Carrie's Recipes

This recipe looks well used, so it must be good!

Carrie's New Brunswick Brown Bread
1 pkg. of yeast
1 cup of oats
2 cups of boiling water
1/2 tsp. of salt
1 tbsp butter
2 tbsp brown sugar
1/3 cup of molasses
4 or 5 cups of flour
In a heavy pot or bowl mix the hot water, oats, butter and brown sugar.  stir.  Cool.  Add the dry yeast to the flour.  Add the flour gradually to the oatmeal mixture.    Stir for the first 2 cups. or so.  then when it is difficult put onto a floured surface.   Gradually add more flour and knead.  When the mix is not sticking to the board or surface shape into 2 loaves.  Put into greased loaf pans and put into a warm place covered with a cloth.  till double in bulk.  Bake in an oven of 375 degrees for about 1/2 hour.  On taking the loaves out of the oven remove immediately onto a cooling rack.


  1. suzanne corriganMonday, March 12, 2012

    Made the chicken and rice tonight to celebrate her birthday.

  2. These recipes look very tasty.
    Eric Berger

  3. They are! I make 4 loaves of brown bread every other week.
